Data Section




Data Section (Static)


Text/ Code

  • Data section stores globals and static data
  • Shared between all functions in the process
  • It’s a fixed size section
  • Referenced directly by memory address
  • Can store read only or read write
  • Do need to watch out for concurrency
    • If a thread is reading and other thread has updated the data, then the other thread need to communicate to the thread 1 to discard the read and read again
    • Or else we would need to have mutex lock


A = 10
B = 20
int main() {
	int x = A + B
  • A & B are stored in the Data section
	Data Section
	1024   A
	1020   B

  • When a x = A + B is executed, CPU load A & B to it’s registers
  • Since we are using DRAM, when doing memory read for A, the RAM sends 64 bytes of data to the CPU. So the other data is cached in the L level.
    • And hence for B, CPU won’t need to do a memory read and will access it from the Cache